8337816779 [email protected]

Truck Dispatching

We charge 5% for dispatch, which includes the following, booking and securing your freight, dispatching driver, 24/7 driver assistance, invoicing of your loads with your factoring company of choice, or directly with the broker.

Back Office Paperwork

If you choose to book your own load and want us to handle all your back-office paperwork such as invoicing, billing, carrier packets, etc. we charge $25.00 per load.


New Company Setup

Administration fees for preparing new company setup $250.00 this includes the following:

  • Fuel card applications at your request.
  • Random drug test program setup with clearing house average cost $499.00 one-time fee and 60.00 drug test fees charged to your card of choice.
  • CA corporation / sole prop package average price is $1470.00 which includes the following: ca corp, DMV ca#, DMV EPN, IRS EIN, DMV MCP, FMCSA MC# FMCSA DOT#, BOC3. BOC IFTA A/C setup, NM permit, UCR, KYU permit, HUT permit.


IFTA Filings and DOT Audits

IFTA filing fees starting at 50.00 directly to the outsourced agent.

Company dot audits fees $500.00 + travel cost if required. Most audits can be performed via the Internet. The information must be provided when requested to be able to provide this service.